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Before You Hire a Tutor...

*Decide on the academic goals you would like the tutor to help you reach and the subjects you want to cover.

*Consider how often you would like to meet with your tutor and how long you would like these sessions to last. Two hours / week / course is an average session.

*The fee a tutor charges often varies, and depends on their education or knowledge in the subject area. Have an idea of the average rate similar tutors ask for the same subject. If you are unable to pay any more than a certain amount - inform the tutor. They may have some flexibility and it will ensure there are no false expectations if they cannot accommodate you.

*Be prepared to interview your tutor. Ask smart questions to gain the best services for their price. Some example questions are:

  • Tell me about your education.
  • what previous experience have you had in tutoring?
  • How can you help me in [subject area]?
  • What approaches do you like to use when tutoring?
  • What are your goals for students?
  • What times are you available?