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Culinary Arts - 1 Year Certificate

Thank you for your interest in a VIU Trades Program. Students are required to complete a self-assessment for VIU Trades programs at this time. Please contact the Registration Centre at or 250.753.3245 to discuss your candidacy for your program of interest.

View the Culinary Arts - 1 Year Certificate program outline

For information about the Culinary Arts - 2 year Diploma Program please see: Culinary Management Program

Subject areas covered in the assessment

Area of Study

Minimum Score



Section A Reading Comprehension


Section A: You will be asked to read a short passage and answer 9 questions about the text.

2 hours

Section B Math Skills

Section B:

The math is divided into three (3) parts

Parts 1 and 2 include word problems that relate to recipes (formulae) and food preparation:

  • Converting between similar units of measurement
  • Metric measurement of mass (e.g. grams, kilograms) and volume (litres, millilitres)
  • Imperial measurement of mass (ounces, pounds) and volume (cups, fluid ounces)
  • How to convert from imperial to metric units

How to convert recipes to serve fewer or more portions (using ratio and proportion

Part 3 includes general calculations such as conversions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (whole numbers, fractions and decimals), percentages and converting temperature from Fahrenheit o to Celsius

Section C Writing Skills/Personal Profile

Section C:

The writing skills section of the assessment poses questions designed to evaluate your writing skills, but also, even more importantly your interest in and commitment to the Culinary Arts Program. Topics include:

  • Why you are interested in the program
  • Experience of cooking
  • Career goals
  • Work ethic/study skills

Approximate Time: 2 hours - A dictionary is not permitted. A calculator is permitted. A converstion chart is provided.

Resources to help you prepare for your assessment