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Off-Campus Assessments


VIU's Assessment and Exam Invigilation services offer both in person and off-campus Accuplacer assessments, which are invigilated through a third-party proctoring service online.

Off-campus Accuplacer assessments can be arranged for applicants living outside of VIU's Cowichan, Nanaimo and Powell River campus regions.

Please refer to the instructions on Off-Campus Accuplacer for booking and payment information. For information about in-person Accuplacer test scheduling, please email us at

Trades Program Assessments

Students are required to complete a self-assessment for VIU Trades programs at this time. Please contact the Registration Centre at or 250.753.3245 to discuss your candidacy for your program of interest.

ABE Assessments

Please reach out to the Academic and Career Preparation team for guidance about setting up your ABE Assessment.

Remote Accuplacer Request Form