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Crisis and Emergency

Need Help Now?

Community Supports and Services

  • Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1.888.494.3888 (24/7)
    • Crisis Chat VI Crisis, and text (250.800.3806) 6-10pm, 7 days a week
      Note that due to a staff shortage, Chat and Text services may not be available
  • First Nations and Inuit helpline and chat, 24-7, 1.855.242.3310, culturally competent counsellors, services in English, French, Ojibway, Cree, and Inuktitut
  • Here2Talk  Here2Talk is a free and confidential program that provides all students currently registered with a B.C. post-secondary school access to single-session 24/7 mental health support and community referral services via app, phone and web. 604.642.5212 or Toll Free at 1-877-857-3397
  • 9.8.8 - Suicide Crisis Helpline.  Phone or text support to people in every province and territory 24/7 and 365 days a year through the Government of Canada mental health support.
  • YouthInBC - for youth <25, 24-hr suicide 1.800.784.2433; chat, 12pm-1am PST; other mental health #'s
  • CrisisCentreChat - adults 25+, 24-hr suicide 1.800.784.2433, other mental health #'s; chat 12pm-1am PST
  • CrisisServicesCanada - Suicide prevention and support 1.833.456.4566 (24/7)  text (4546) and chat (2-10pm PST)
    • Haven Society for women who have been sexually assaulted or in situations of domestic violence
      • 24-hr crisis line 1.888.756.0616    see Haven Society for a variety of services 

    Emergency On-Campus

    For Medical Emergencies, Call 911

    If 911 is called, please have someone nearby call 1.250.740.6600 to report the incident to VIU

    Emergency, First Aid, Security, Ambulance, Fire, Police, Bomb Threat

    7 days a week / 24 hours a day

    Campus Emergency Phone Numbers

    • Nanaimo Phone: 250.740.6600
    • Cowichan Phone: 1.250.740.6600
    • tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River) Phone: 604.485.2878
    • Parksville Phone: 250.951.3000 or 911

    Emergency Off-Campus

    Police, Fire, and Ambulance Services

    7 days a week /24 hours a day

    • Phone: 911

    Nanaimo Regional General Hospital

    7 days a week/24 hours a day

    • Phone: 250.754.2141
    • Location: 1200 Dufferin Crescent, Nanaimo, BC V9S 5R6

    Other Resources