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Tobacco Information and Cessation


With education and awareness of the health effects of tobacco, we can prevent those who have not used tobacco to never begin.

QuitNow BC

QuitNow BC offers support services to help you quit or reduce the use of smoking and vaping products. The QuitNow program includes online information, personalized coaching by phone, text, and live chat, and access to a supportive community of peers.

Questions or concerns?

Email or call the BC Lung Foundation
1.877.455.2233 (toll-free)

BC Smoking Cessation Program

The BC Smoking Cessation Program helps people stop smoking or using other tobacco products by assisting them with the cost of smoking cessation aids. The program covers selected prescription smoking cessation drugs as benefits under PharmaCare. Selected non-prescription nicotine replacement therapy products (NRTs) are provided at no cost. The program is open to B.C. residents who wish to stop smoking or using other tobacco products.

What you need to know about the BC Smoking Cessation Program before you start.


Are you aware of the Smoking Policy of VIU?

Social Norms

We can all make a difference by changing social attitudes and public perception about the use of tobacco. Become a fan of Fresh Air on Facebook and see how you can help make BC post-secondary schools the healthiest in Canada.

VIU Health and Wellness Desk

For more resources and information visit the Health and Wellness desk at the Nanaimo Campus, Building 200. See the VIU Nanaimo Campus Map.

young girl walking down stairs at VIU Nanaimo campus