VIU Thrive student sitting on a hilltop

Vancouver IslandUniversity


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Thrive is a collection of events, activities and resources to help you be well!

There is something for everyone, whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours, Thrive is here to support your mental health and well-being! So take a look around and join us in helping VIU Thrive!

Thrive events

Thrive Events

Everything you need to know about VIU's Thrive Events

Wellness Promoters

Student Wellness Promoters

Assist in organizing, developing, and delivering Thrive/Talk To Me events

Wellness Peer Program

Wellness Peers

Get support from a student, just like you!

Student tips

Fast Thrive Tips

Check out these quick thriving tips designed by students for students!


Thriving in Action

Join our free program where you can learn better, feel better, and do better!

Dimensions of wellness

Dimensions of Wellness

Check out these 7 dimensions of wellness to help you Thrive!

VIU beach-students-recreation

Follow Us!

Follow us on social media and VIU's apps to stay up to date on all our latest events and activities:

Contact Us
VIU International Student Drop-In Centre

Community Support

Find supports on and off campus.

Find Support Services
Thrive Here

VIU Employees

Looking for employee resources? Check out the 'Thrive Here' resource for employees and managers.

Thrive Here Resources

The History of Thrive

Learn the history of Thrive and how this UBC program is helping students across Canada!

Learn how Thrive started


Please don’t hesitate to contact us