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Student Affairs Administration

Irlanda Gonzalez Price, MSW

Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs

The Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs is responsible for the overall strategic and operational direction of the Student Affairs Division at all campuses of Vancouver Island University, as well as oversight and responsibility for issues related to institutional student conduct. The Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs has administrative responsibility for policies such as the Sexual Misconduct Policy, the Student Conduct Code, the Student Academic Code of Conduct and the Academic Appeals Policy.

The Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs’ portfolio includes the following areas:

  • Accessibility Services
  • Academic Advising
  • Assessment and Exam Services
  • Athletics and Recreation
  • Centre for Experiential Learning and Student Engagement
  • Conduct and Care Office
  • Financial Aid and Awards
  • Health and Wellness Centre
  • Sexualized Violence & Misconduct Support
  • Academic & Conduct Appeals

Chris Yeast

Acting Manager, Student Affairs

The Manager, Student Affairs manages daily operations of the Office of Student Affairs and contributes to the effective operation of Student Affairs departments. This includes budget oversight, overseeing human resources, and supporting students and community members who reach out to the Student Affairs team. The Manager is also responsible for overseeing the Appeals process and academic misconduct. 


Assistant Manager, Office of the AVP, Student Affairs

The Assistant Manager provides support to the Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs, and operational support to the Division of Student Affairs.

Bryan Tinlin, MES

Director, Student Services

The Director, Student Services is responsible for strategic and operational planning providing direction and management of the student success and wellness portfolios for Student Affairs at all campuses of Vancouver Island University. These include Assessment and Exam Services, Counselling, the Health and Wellness Clinic, Financial Aid and Awards, Accessibility Services, and the Risk and Threat Assessment Team.

Jennifer Jensen-Richards, BBA, MEDL

Manager, Financial Aid Access, Awards and Resources

The Manager, Financial Aid Access, Awards and Resources is responsible for the VIU Financial Aid and Awards portfolio which includes student loans, grants, tuition waivers for former youth in care, scholarships, awards and bursaries, on-campus student employment, ministry funding, and available external resources. VIU students accessed over $30 million in funding this past year to assist with educational costs.

Kayla Fowler

Manager, Health and Wellness Centre

The Manager, Health and Wellness Centre oversees the effective day-to-day operations of the services offered through the Health and Wellness Centre, which in a Student Health Clinic that is staffed by two nurse practitioners, as well as Counselling Services.

On Leave

Manager, Conduct and Care

The Manager, Conduct and Care is responsible for administering the Early Alert system, receiving student conduct concerns and complaints, and administering the Student Code of Conduct

Danielle Hyde, BTM, MSC Sport Management

Director, Athletics and Recreation

The Director, Athletics and Recreation is responsible for strategic and operational planning providing direction and management to the Intercollegiate Athletic program as well as the Recreation programming at VIU. 

David Forrester

Manager, Athletics and Recreation

The Manager, Athletics and Recreation is responsible for the oversight of the day-to-day operations of the VIU Gymnasium, athletics facilities and outdoor recreation programming.

Danielle Johnsrude, MA

Director, Centre for Experiential Learning and Student Engagement

The Director, Centre for Experiential Learning and Student Engagement is responsible for the Centre for Experiential Learning, which facilitates learning opportunities for students such as internship and co-op placements. The Director also oversees the Office of Co-Curricular Engagement and Learning which facilities a number of student initiatives, such as RockVIU.

Jennifer Merner

Manager, Advising

The Manager, Advising oversees the Advising Centre which offers undergraduate level academic advising services for domestic, international, and Indigenous students.